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Your Pregnancy and Post-pregnancy Care Guide

Your Pregnancy and Post-pregnancy Care Guide

Motherhood is amazing; pregnancy being one of the most beautiful things in this whole world. Nothing can make you as happy as giving birth to a child. You are in the most blissful state of mind. You are pregnant and waiting for your precious bundle of joy!

All joy apart, waiting for the nine months to give birth to your tiny tot isn’t a simple thing. Now you can hardly wait to hold your baby in your arms. But wait! What about caring tips? Are you sure about health tips and a lot more? Before you do, you must take proper pregnancy care to make sure that both you and your little baby are in proper health before the happy day comes.

Consider the following easy tips:

Don’t forget to exercise:

Don’t forget to exerciseDuring pregnancy, it’s very important to keep yourself fit and active. This will make sure to keep your tiny tot healthy too. Keeping good health will make sure that you have a smooth pregnancy with very few complications. Walking every day for at least 20 minutes, doing yoga, and stretching your limbs every hour will keep your muscles and joints in proper condition. And during the later stages of your pregnancy, you can exercise to comfort the growing pressure on your back, pelvis, and bladder. But be mindful about overexerting yourself. Running on the treadmill, intense workouts, and weight lifting are not advisable at all.

Eat the right healthy food:

You get all kinds of mood swings and food swings during pregnancy and you just can’t stop thinking about it. But please restrict yourself from all of that for nine months. Listen to what your doc says. Follow the diet chart that’s given to you. Include fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet to get sufficient vitamins, calcium, carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals. Your diet should be a well-balanced one because whatever you eat affects your baby’s nutrition as well. Wash your hands properly with antibacterial soap before handling raw food. Say no to excess oil, sugar, salt, and fried goodies. Any form of alcohol and smoking is a strict ‘No’.

Take your meds and follow your doctor’s advice:

Take your meds and follow your doctor’s adviceSome women face deficiencies like vitamin and iron during their pregnancy. This can affect the health of the baby and also lead to pregnancy complications later on. To avoid that, your doctor will prescribe proper medication to alleviate these deficiencies. Take them as prescribed and follow up with good food that is approved by the doc. Be mindful of taking herbal medicines and other homemade helpful potions recommended by the elders in the family. It is best to take only those foods and medicines that are approved by your doctor.

Keep the house clean to prevent infection:

Keep the house clean to prevent infectionBecoming ill during your pregnancy is a nightmare. Not only will it affect the baby’s health, but also make your pregnancy a lot more difficult than it already is. Since you cannot prevent every infection from touching you, you can take a few tips to prevent illness for as long as you can. Clean your hands with antibacterial soap, use antibacterial cleaners to clean your house, and most importantly keep your body clean as well to avoid infections.

These are few easy and simple tips during pregnancy now let’s dive into post-pregnancy tips:


RestTaking rest is the most important task and this is one of the most advised post-pregnancy tips, but the most difficult one to manage. For a newbie, it’s difficult to match their rest cycle to the newborn’s sleep cycle. Your little one will wake-up about every three hours for feeding, changing, and at times you need to comfort him/her. This can be overwhelming and really exhausting. Due to this you may not be able to get the proper eight hours of sleep for several months, but the below-mentioned tips can help you:

1. Sleep whenever the baby sleeps, even if it is only a few minutes multiple times a day can make you feel fresh and make you feel good.
2. Keep all the necessary things closer to reduce overexertion. Just remember one thing, the weaker you get, the more you will lack the capability for doing things for the little one.
3. Don’t take too many responsibilities. Just take care of yourself and your little one. Even when people come to visit, try and have other members of the family to meet them.
4. Don’t refrain from physical activities. Try and get out for a few minutes during the day, to get some fresh air, and at least walk a little.


NutritionA woman’s body undergoes tremendous change during and post-pregnancy. Her body needs to recover from the immense stress of pregnancy and childbirth. So along with rest, she needs a good diet to replenish the body and boost recovery.

Many post-pregnancy care tips recommend that breastfeeding mothers should maintain a healthy and proper diet. But even if mothers are not breastfeeding, a healthy and nutritious diet should be maintained nonetheless.

Sadly, a lot of mothers neglect food as a result of being too busy or tired. In that case, mothers should plan a simple but healthy diet.


After delivering the baby, your body is weak and vulnerable to diseases and infections. This is a crucial time where you need to pay a lot of attention to hygiene and post-pregnancy care tips. Taking personal health lightly could lead to health problems, not only for the mother but also for the little one.

Some precautions to take after pregnancy are:

1. Make sure the food you consume is cooked properly and stored in a safe place to prevent diseases.
2. Washing hands should be your regular habit, especially after each visit outdoors, to the bathroom and after every diaper change and especially before feeding your little one.
3. Make sure to have a sanitizer with you whenever you’re out.
4. Ask your family members to follow the same hygiene tips as germs can spread a lot faster due to touching.
5. Have regular checkups with your doctor to detect any early signs of infections.

To conclude, these pregnancy and post-pregnancy tips will make sure to have a healthy life for you and your little one for sure. Remember one thing, a child’s health mainly depends on the mother’s health. So don’t take any chances to fall sick and disturb your baby’s health.



Content Writer at Clovia
Filled with thoughts and emotions, Mahigna is a fun kind who wants to tell adventures and fascinating stories to the world. She is obsessed with fashion, lifestyle and lingerie hacks that change women's life in a better way. She likes to scatter her knowledge about fashion and lingerie like confetti.


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