Magazine » Lingerie 101 » Bras » Know The Math Behind Bra Cup Sizes

Know The Math Behind Bra Cup Sizes

Most women wear a wrong size of bra, well we hope you aren’t one of them. How about taking a quick test on your own and checking  your bra cup size for yourself. Let’s get started with bramathematics.

Step 1: Measuring the Band Size

The band size means the underbust measurement. Take a measuring tape and wrap it around your body, making sure it’s parallel to the ground. Try not to pull the tape too tight as your bra band should fit comfortably and not dig into your skin.

Step 2: Measuring the Bust Size

Take this measurement while wearing a non-padded bra. Wrap the measuring tape around the fullest part of the breast. Make sure the tape is neither too tight nor too loose. Keep the tape parallel to the ground for accurate results. Never do this wearing a padded bra as the padding will add to the measurement giving a false number.

Step 3: Measuring the Cup Size

It gets a little tricky in this step so here’s a chart to help you understand better.  Now subtract your band measurement (Step 1) from bust measurement (Step 2) and the result will be your cup size. For example your band size is 34 inches and bust size is 36 inches, the difference would be 2.  Now according to the below mentioned table 2 would indicate a B cup. So the result would be 34 B

Difference 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cup Size AA A B C D DD DDD,F G

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Wasn’t that easy! Now you’re just a step away from finding your perfect bra. Get yourself measured right away!


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