Magazine » Lingerie 101 » Tips To Take Care Of Your Skin During The Monsoon

Tips To Take Care Of Your Skin During The Monsoon

The monsoon season is approaching, and the high humidity levels in the air can create a variety of skin problems. The rise in humidity during monsoon causes an array of skin problems especially for those who have oily or a combination skin type. If your skin is already oily, high humidity levels can make it seem even more oily, dull, and lifeless. It can also cause acne breakouts regularly and leaves your skin more vulnerable to certain skin issues. It is really important to change your skincare routine based on the season. So, let’s see what you can do to protect your skin during the monsoon!


Exfoliate Your Skin

Exfoliating the skin is very important as it unclogs the skin pores and gets rid of the dead skin cells. You don’t have to buy costly products for exfoliating your skin. You can use basic kitchen ingredients like coffee, sugar, papaya, yoghurt, tea bag, baking soda, etc. to stimulate the growth of new skin cells.


Do Not Forget to Clean


Exfoliate Your SkinThe next important thing is cleaning. Make sure to clean your face at least twice a day and if you are indulged with any physical activity or come from outside, you can wash your face thrice a day. It’s important to keep your face clean during monsoon season to avoid fungal infection and excess dirt accumulation. To clean your skin and open its pores, you can use a mild face wash or cleanser. If you want to use natural and homemade ingredients, you can use rose water, lemon, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, etc.


Tone your Skin

Do Not Forget to CleanLeaving your skin pores open will lead to the accumulation of dirt in them and this will result in acne breakouts. So, toning your skin is important. Natural toners like cucumber water, rose water, lemon juice, and green tea can be used to remove the dirt and close the skin pores.


Hydrate Your Body and Avoid Makeup

Tone your SkinHydrating your body is very important no matter what season it is! Drinking a lot of water can flush out all the toxins from the body and can keep acne, pimples, and other skin issues at bay. And on the other hand, applying makeup frequently can clog your skin pores during monsoon. In case, you have to wear makeup, make sure to remove it before going to bed.

Don’t skip sunscreen

Hydrate Your Body and Avoid MakeupBecause the weather is all cloudy outside, do you want to skip sunscreen? Honey, please do not do that! Sunscreen acts as a shield against harmful UV rays. During the monsoon, even when it’s cloudy outside, the sun’s rays can damage your skin’s health. Use a gel-based and water-resistant sunscreen to keep your skin protected throughout the day. Also, make sure to apply sunscreen 20 minutes before stepping out.

Ladies, while taking care of your face, don’t forget that your body needs the same attention too. Monsoon season invites a lot of skin infections. The humidity which is present in the air makes skin sticky and invites a lot of skin issues. It is necessary to follow a proper skincare regimen every day during the monsoon season to avoid infections and other skin issues.



Content Writer at Clovia
Filled with thoughts and emotions, Mahigna is a fun kind who wants to tell adventures and fascinating stories to the world. She is obsessed with fashion, lifestyle and lingerie hacks that change women's life in a better way. She likes to scatter her knowledge about fashion and lingerie like confetti.


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